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Our mission is simple—we save lives daily! The Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi (DFM) is the state's premier nonprofit health organization working to prevent diabetes and associated complications as well as work to improve the lives of every child, adult, and every family touched by type 1 or type 2 diabetes. We accomplish this through advocacy, education and patient assistance.

Join us at a Walk for Diabetes near you! Every dollar raised through registration and additional fundraising will allow us to continue in our mission to help save lives daily! Your support through these walks will directly fund the programs at the DFM, including backpacks to newly diagnosed children, patient assistance to those in desperate need of diabetes supplies, our Sweet Subject school education program, and Camp Kandu, the state's only camp for kids with diabetes and their families to learn about diabetes and grow in community!


Register for Clay Shoot

Support the Diabetes Foundation's programs and enjoy the great outdoors!

Patient Education


If you or someone you love has Diabetes,
Join us for Educational Panels, Continental
Breakfast and Lunchtime Cooking Demo!


Ultimate Fashion Show

This event is a lighthearted, classy and

truly fabulous way to celebrate the

arrival of Spring fashions. It supports Camp

Kandu and other DFM Programs

Car For A Cure

Every Year Patty Peck Honda donates a vehicle to the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi

Tickets are $25 each or Buy 4 get 1 FREE!


Raise funds for the Diabetes Foundation of Mississippi so we can continue to provide for adults and children living with diabetes! Use your DonorDrive account to start fundraising today!


Want to volunteer with the DFM at one of our walks or at our other events? We would love to have you!

Click HERE to fill out a volunteer form.